Danny makes a difference through dance

BY: Ciaran Willis

CATEGORY: Blog, News

Congratulations to Danny who has been teaching dance classes for an inclusive arts charity.

Danny has volunteered at Blink Dance Theatre, supporting other learning disabled people at classes in West London.

Blink Dance Theatre is an inclusive dance organisation, which run workshops and makes dance accessible for people with sensory needs and a range of disabilities.

Danny has been part of Blink Dance Theatre’s trainee programme. He has helped the leader of the workshops, Georgia, to come up with ideas and support participants.

Danny says that dancing is a way for him to let his emotions out: “I can express my feelings, let everything come out.”

Danny and Georgia both said that one of their favourite scenes is where Danny was dancing and pretending to be a werewolf. The other dancers were surrounding him, pretending to be a creepy forest!

Georgia said she has loved working with Danny: “Danny shows up to every week with enthusiasm, loads of passion for performing, and is playful with the participants.”

“He is sensitive to when someone might need a bit of support. Danny also brings lots of outside inspirations as well, which I think the group really benefits from.”

There are usually around 5 to 10 people taking part in each dance class. The group recently put on a performance at a local family fun day, which Danny helped choreograph.

Congratulations on this fantastic achievement Danny!

Find out more about Blink Dance Theatre here.


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